Thursday, February 24, 2011


While wandering through the grocery store yesterday I found a magic cutting board.  How did I know it possessed special powers?  It said so right on the package and we all know an advertiser would not lie about such a serious matter.  I bought two.  Imagine my surprise when I got it home and realized it did not work as Harry Potter style wand, clean my vast mountain of dishes OR even magically cut up my veggies.  Then I saw it, on the back of the packaging it said Magic non slip grip backing. Someone had too many glasses of wine and played fast and loose with the term "magic".  The days when non skid backing was considered anything but mundane have long since passed.  At least my new mundane magical cutting boards have serene pictures that make me feel as if I am chopping near a vineyard in the countryside. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Here again...

Here I am, many months after my last entry, back with my tail between my legs. As a belated New Years resolution, I have decided to take up my old blog again. After an hour of trying to remember my password so I could get into it, here I am. When I last wrote I was changing my life via food. God decided that I needed a change in the family size department and 10 months later I now have another beautiful daughter.

Since my food revolution has long since gone by the wayside, I should probably pick a new blog topic. Not sure anyone wants to read a weekly account of which frozen pizzas we tried. Some other options I have considered...

Homeschooling, but the glimpse into my ability (or lack of it) may draw in anti-homeschoolers protesting in my front yard.

My dog Leon and his wild adventures chasing our stray cat, Marlin. This could get a little repetitive. Most of his adventures consist of bolting out the front door, chasing Marlin until he reaches the dumpster at which point Marlin sits on top of the dumpster while Leon jumps up and down barking for various lengths of time.

I could write about my pregnancies, but the post traumatic stress disorder I suffer from prevents me from thinking about them just yet.

Back to the drawing board I guess....