Friday, April 1, 2011

I thought I had a dream, it was actually more of a nightmare

Not my most concise title, it is a work in progress.  Last week I made a decision.  After months of cleaning out all that weighs me down from every closet, cabinet, under every bed, in every nook and every cranny, I decided I would spend 1 week and get my house really clean.  My dream was that one day I would sit down at the end of the day and not have a list of things that were yet to be done.  That the impossible could be; a totally clean house  just for a single day.   Heck I am realistic, even an hour would have been acceptable.  As this week progressed and my list grew longer rather than shorter I wasn't ready to admit defeat.  I thought I only needed to work MORE hours and then the dream would could realized.  Laying here in exhaustion this Friday morning, I wave my white flag of surrender.  Closets I started with have spontaneously rearranged themselves back into their natural state of disarray.  My children have had some sort of war with the tooth paste and it is now covering the bathroom in a pink sparkly film.  Even more disturbing, my husbands dirty clothes appear multiple times a day in their spot on the bedroom floor next to the hamper.  I know "they" say to dream big but I may need to start with a smaller dream.  Maybe an organized shelf somewhere.  Yes, I think I can handle an organized shelf. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm testing this out for comments ;) I've done nothing but organize shelves lately. It makes me happy...sad, huh?
