Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Higher Education

I have had some interesting conversations recently regarding college.  I must confess that I didn't realize college was optional until I was in my teen years.  My parents had always spoken of it very matter of factly and I assumed that is what everyone did after high school.  Since finishing my own degree I have mostly assumed I would push my children towards college as well.  After spending a lot of time thinking about this I dare say I might be on the verge of changing my mind.  There is a part of me that wants them to go.  It feels a bit like a pat on the back for me if they do attend.  After all, it will be due to the amazing education they receive from me.  Then when I look at the people around me, many who do not have a 4 year degree, make very good livings and don't have that dreaded student loan payment every month.  They are able to support their families very nicely and seem relatively well adjusted.  Then there is me, and many like me, who have that expensive piece of paper that says we have accomplished something and yet do nothing even related to what we are educated to do.  I would not say I regret having my time in college.  It was an amazing time of building friendships, traveling and learning so much.  But when I think about the most important and life alterning things I have learned they have very little to do with where I went to school.  It is all from God.  God is the one who imparts wisdom, joy, peace, and love all of the things I want for my own children.

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